LAE 1001 credit hours (lecture: 1 | lab: 0)
Preparation for Law Enforcement Entrance Examination  

Course instructs police officer candidates about all aspects of hiring process. Content includes how to locate job opportunities; properly complete job applications; take written physical, psychological, and medical examinations; and prepare for oral interview by Police and Fire Commissioners.

Instruction Type: In-Person
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 1013 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Introduction to Criminal Justice  

Course studies history, development, operation and philosophy of American criminal justice system. Content includes legislative, police, prosecutor, courts and corrections agencies involved in administration of criminal justice; current issues and trends; juvenile justice system and career opportunities.

IAI Major: CRJ 901  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 1213 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Police Organization and Administration  

Course studies organization and management of law enforcement agencies. Content includes functional groupings, delegation of authority and specialization, public relations, personnel and training.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 1223 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Police Operations  

Course examines the administration of police line operations with a focus on the patrol function and prevention of crime. The major emphasis of this course is the police as the initial major component of the criminal justice system. The allocation of police resources, specialized units, information systems, community relations, and determinants of police policy are identified. This course provides the student with a basic understanding of modern policing and identifies the organization, function, operational strategies and culture of the police. This course also explores the ethical, emotional, and physical aspects of a career in law enforcement.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 1303 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Vice And Drug Control  

Course reviews historical and sociological developments in drug addiction and vice control. Content includes studies of narcotic addiction and effects of hypnotic drugs, bookmaking, gambling, and prostitution.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Spring  
LAE 1353 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 2)
Forensics I  

Course will familiarize students with the different disciplines of forensic science, the types of examinations conducted in crime scenes and other applications of forensic science in the modern criminal justice system. Students will be provided an overview of crime scene investigations, death investigations, evidence-gathering techniques, and the analysis of physical evidence in the field and laboratory setting.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $15

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 1403 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Introduction to Corrections  

Course provides an overview to the field of corrections and examines current correctional practices, policies, and legal issues. The course focuses on the relationship of corrections to the criminal justice system, theories underlying correctional practice, and the role of institutions within the United States correctional system. This course specifically examines the historical development, evolution, and philosophy, principals, and practices of punishment and treatment. It further explores sentencing, correctional institutions, prison life, and challenges facing correctional populations.

IAI Major: CRJ 911  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 1472 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 1)
Basic Recreational Drone Pilot  

Introductory course in small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS). Beginning with the history of this aerial platform and progressing through the steps necessary to prepare an individual to fly sUAS (drones), this course will prepare a student for basic flight operation as a noncommercial recreational pilot. Course outlines regulations and procedures of legal sUAS operation and prepares for recreational Remote Pilot Certification.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2013 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)

Course examines aspects of crime. Content includes types of crimes and criminals, factors involved in criminal behavior, control and prevention.

IAI Major: CRJ 912  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2213 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Criminal Law  

Course covers the history and principles of criminal law. Content includes the development of the court system, constitutional, statutory and common law; civil liability, identification, and classification of criminal offenses; court decisions, and the Illinois Criminal Code and courtroom.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2233 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Criminal Procedures  

Course is an in-depth study of the legal rules governing police procedures and practices. Topics include reasonable suspicion, probable cause, stop and frisk, station house detention, the use of force during arrest, confessions, constitutional rights of the accused, and sentencing and punishment. Also covered are issues related to the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2343 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Ethics and Leadership in Policing  

Course prepares students to successfully resolve critical ethical and leadership issues they will encounter in their law enforcement careers. Content includes developing and maintaining professional integrity, the proper exercise of discretion and authority, morale and motivation, and responsibility for ethical conduct. It also explores analysis and evaluation of ethical dilemmas, roles of professional organizations and agencies, ethics and community relations, ethics in criminal justice laws and procedures and civil liability in law enforcement and correctional environments.

Recommended: LAE 101 or consent of instructor.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2353 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Criminal Investigations  

Course presents a study of criminal investigation procedure. Content includes conduct at crime scenes, collection and preservation of evidence and methods used in a police science laboratory.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2393 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 3)
Forensics II  

Course builds upon Forensics I and provides instruction in protocols and techniques for forensic crime scene analysis, as well as providing hands-on experience. Topics include techniques in the examination of major crime scenes that involve fingerprints, blood spatter, ballistics, and impression/trace evidence. This course also examines procedures in forensic sketching/mapping, photography, report writing, and criminal offense identification.

Prerequisite: LAE 135 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment in LAE 135, or consent of instructor or department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $30

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2403 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 2)
Police Strategies and Tactics  

Course examines police strategies and tactics in law enforcement that include dealing with the public and high-risk situations. Content includes principles of use of force, de-escalation, self-defense, crisis intervention, and diversity awareness. Students demonstrate basic skills in de-escalation, self-defense, control techniques, arrest search procedures, and aiding the injured.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2453 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Juvenile Delinquency  

Course is an analysis of the juvenile justice system in the United States. The history, philosophies, causes and control of juvenile behavior and problems are examined. Content includes the interaction among the police, judiciary, and corrections. Also examined are theoretical perspectives, cultural influences, psychological, social, and environmental causes attributing to delinquency.

IAI Major: CRJ 914  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2473 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Advanced Commercial Drone Pilot  

Continuing course in small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS). Course advances students from recreational to commercial pilots. It prepares for the successful completion of the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certification for commercial operations. It also provides hand-on training with various types of sUAS.

Prerequisite: LAE 147 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment in LAE 147, or consent of instructor or department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2483 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Drone Search, Rescue and Mapping  

Course focuses on the continued development of piloting skills for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS). Students receive hands-on training with various drones, specifically in search and rescue operations. The course identifies relevant theories and strategies, applying them to real-world scenarios to enhance practical understanding and decision-making skills.

Prerequisite: LAE 147 or LAE 247 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment in LAE 247, or consent of instructor or department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2513 credit hours (lecture: 1 | lab: 10)
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Internship  

Course provides students with a broad experience through appropriate observation and participation in daily operations of law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. It takes place in partnership agreements between Oakton College and host law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. Students are assigned to the agency in addition to participation in regularly conducted review sessions to assess the student’s progress, development, and work environment. The students must complete a minimum of 150 hours of service during the semester.

Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours of LAE courses with a grade of C or better in each course and consent of the department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2603 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Community Relations and Procedural Justice  

Course covers the core principles of community relations and procedural justice. Topics include how to incorporate these principles into decision-making, policies and procedures at the street and organizational level.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2703 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Law of Evidence  

Course examines legal aspects of evidence. Content includes search and seizure, civil rights, handling of suspects, evaluation of evidence and court admissibility.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
LAE 2753 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Security Guard Training  

Course satisfies the minimum 20 hours of classroom basic training as required by 225 ILCS 447/25-20 Private Security Act of 2004 to obtain a security guard permanent employee registration card (PERC). The course provides the student with the duties and responsibilities of a security guard. Topics include the role of the security guard, legal powers and limitations, emergency situations, communications, public relations, access control, and ethics and conduct.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
LAE 2763 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Traffic Investigation  

Course studies traffic and law enforcement. Content includes duties of agencies responsible for highway traffic law enforcement; accident investigation; regulation and enforcement, and Illinois traffic laws.

Instruction Type: In-Person
LAE 2901-4 credit hours (lecture: 1-4 | lab: 0-4)
Topics in Law Enforcement  

Course designed to meet the special needs of the law enforcement program student in current issues in the profession (e.g. leadership, ethics, administration, community relations, supervision, and manpower allocation). Special topics will be offered for variable credit from one to four semester credit hours. Course may be taken for credit up to four times on different topics. Fee varies. Prerequisite may vary by topic.

Instruction Type: In-Person