CIS 0902 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 1)
Computers for New Users  

Course focuses on introductory computer skills and basic terminology. Content includes starting the computer; desktop configuration; management of files and folders; searching the Internet; send, receive and attach a file to an email; create, format, edit, save, and print documents; create, format, edit, chart, save, and print spreadsheets. Intended for those with little to no experience in operating the hardware and commonly used software applications.

Instruction Type: In-Person

Fee: $10

CIS 1013 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Introduction to Computer Information Systems  

Course introduces computers and information systems. Content includes fundamental concepts of hardware and software as applied to computers in a business environment; programming, operating systems, the Internet, data communications, systems development life cycle, and information systems; use of typical software packages including word processing, spreadsheeting, database and presentation graphics. Hands-on experience with personal computers in labs. Intended for those seeking a career as a computer professional, an understanding of the role of Information Systems in the business community, or introductory “end user” computer skills.

Recommended: High school algebra, MAT 070, or equivalent skills.  
IAI Major: BUS 902  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1021 credit hours (lecture: 1 | lab: 1)
Job Search Principles and Tools  

Course explores essential job search principles and introduces advanced AI-driven tools designed to enhance job search outcomes. Students will learn how to build professional resumes, customize cover letters for the desired roles, prepare for interviews and effectively negotiate job offers using Job Search Genius platform. During hands-on lab component students will set up their Job Search Genius accounts, practice utilizing the platform’s various features and apply learned concepts to create and refine their job search documents and strategies.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1034 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 3)
Computer Software and Concepts  

Course provides a comprehensive introduction to business application software, essential computer concepts and foundational data management. The course emphasizes hands-on experience with full-featured business software, focusing on spreadsheets and database management while incorporating word processing, presentation tools, and emerging digital technologies. Students will develop a working knowledge and skills to utilize a variety of business software.

Recommended: High school algebra, MAT 070 or equivalent skills.  
IAI Major: BUS 902  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $30

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1063 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Foundational AI  

This zero-code course introduces fundamental principles, techniques and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students will explore theoretical foundations of AI and gain practical experience working with different AI systems. They will develop skills necessary to create AI applications for solving problems and improving real-world processes, such as intelligent agent design.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $30

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1112 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 1)
Fundamentals of the Internet  

Course focuses on understanding the structure of the Internet, how it works, and issues surrounding its use. Content includes hands-on activities, examination and application of theoretical concepts, as well as use of Internet basics, Web browsers, URLs, Web pages, search engines, navigation tools, transferring files, electronic mail, discussion lists and newsgroup usage, “netiquette,” and ethical, legal, security, and societal issues.

Recommended: CIS 101  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $5

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 1123 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
AI Ethics  

Course introduces ethical and legal aspects relevant to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry. Students will examine the implications of policies surrounding AI technologies and become aware of the ethics, moral principles and accountability standards in the development of AI tools and their uses.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1133 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Introduction to Programming using Visual Basic .NET  

Course introduces programming concepts using hierarchy charts, program flowcharts, pseudocode, and the Visual Basic .NET programming language to solve business-related problems. Content includes fundamentals of structured programming, arithmetic calculations, decision making, looping, data input and output, numeric and string variables, functions and procedures, arrays, file creation, data retrieval, and developing and debugging Visual Basic programs. Object-oriented theory and terminology will be introduced.

Recommended: CIS 101 or CIS 103 or comparable computer knowledge and one year of high school algebra or equivalent.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

CIS 1162 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 1)
Introduction to the MS-Windows Operating System  

Course presents theoretical and hands-on instruction using the Microsoft Windows operating system environment. Content includes customizing the environment, optimizing performance, managing file systems, optimizing disks, performing file and folder operations, evaluating system performance, exploring the Windows registry, using troubleshooting tools, enhancing the computer’s security, and evaluating installation issues.

Recommended: CIS 101 or CIS 103 or comparable experience.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $5

CIS 1182 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 0)
Linux Operating System  

Course teaches theoretical and hands-on instruction using the LINUX operating system environment. Content includes basic LINUX operating system concepts, terminology, file management, general utility commands, command processor (shells), and editors.

Recommended: CIS 101 or CIS 103 or comparable computer experience.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 1193 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Prompt Engineering  

Course introduces AI language models. Students will examine patterns and approaches for writing effective prompts for large language models utilized in various industrial sectors. Primary focus will be placed on analysis, design, and evaluation of different prompt systems, including their purpose, benefits, and limitations. Students will acquire knowledge and skills necessary to generate new content, including text, code, artwork, video, and more. By the conclusion of the course, they will be prepared for potential careers as prompt engineers and related occupations in Generative AI.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $30

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1203 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Introduction to Data Analytics  

Course introduces the foundational concepts and techniques of data analytics, focusing on data cleaning, analysis and visualization. Students will gain hands-on experience with Excel while learning about other industry-standard tools, such as SQL and Tableau. Emphasis is placed on understanding descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics, preparing students to interpret data and communicate insights effectively. This course lays the groundwork for careers in data analytics, business intelligence and related fields.

Recommended: CAB 135.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1314 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Web Page Development  

Course introduces theoretical and hands-on instruction on the processes needed to create customized and interactive Web pages using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Content includes commands (tags) to create, format, and link documents; tables, graphics, styles, forms, multimedia (audio, video), navigation bar, introduction to scripting, and other features of a Web page and guidelines for designing effective Web pages and Web sites.

Recommended: CIS 111 or concurrent enrollment in CIS 111 and ability to manage files and folders using Windows OR consent of instructor or Program Coordinator  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $5

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1363 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Project Management Fundamentals Using Agile Principles  

Course introduces principles of agile project management in software development, from the initial stages to completion. Students will explore the differences between agile and traditional project management methodologies. Course focuses on the Scrum agile framework designed to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the software development process and ensure the delivery of the highest quality product within budgetary and scheduling constraints.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 1433 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Introduction to SQL  

Course provides theoretical and hands-on instruction on data server technology. Content includes relational databases concepts, SQL syntax, SQL commands to create and maintain database objects and to store, retrieve, display, query, and manipulate data, functions, blocks of application code that can be shared by multiple forms, reports, and data management applications; and commands to execute blocks of code.

Recommended: CAB 140 or comparable experience with a representative database software package, and knowledge of a programming language.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 1454 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Database Fundamentals I  

Course provides a foundation in the administrative tasks performed by a database administrator. Topics include Oracle database architecture and how each component functions and interacts. Students will learn how to design, develop, install, maintain, manage, and troubleshoot an Oracle database. Performance monitoring, database security, user management, and backup/recovery techniques will be discussed. This class prepares the student for the Oracle Database Administrator Certified Associate exam.

Recommended: CIS 143 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $40

Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 1483 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Introduction to Database Driven Web Sites  

Course provides a general introduction to the basic framework of a database-driven web site. Content includes sample databases and a popular, industry standard software tool for creating site definitions; and to plan, develop, and implement a web database application.

Recommended: CAB 170 or equivalent knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 1523 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Web Development Tools  

Course introduces Web development tools, including HTML editors and Web site managers as well as graphics manipulation tools. Content includes use of these tools to create interactive Web Sites which integrate style sheets, DHTML components and Javascript.

Recommended: CIS 131 with minimum grade of C  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 1713 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Advanced Web Page Development  

Course expands basic development of Web pages to build additional interaction and functionality into them. Content includes style sheets, data-base queries, basic scripting, applets, and Dynamic HTML as incorporated into the Web page code; Web site organization and navigation strategies.

Recommended: Knowledge of basic programming concepts, CIS 131.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 1804 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming  

Course introduces programming using the Visual Basic .NET programming language to solve business-related problems. Content includes program development and design, object-oriented programming, screen design, structured programming techniques, and event-driven programming using objects. Programming assignment concepts include arithmetic calculations, decision making, looping, soft and hard copy display, subroutines and functions, data validation, working with arrays, introductory concepts of file creation and data retrieval and accessing, updating, and querying data in a database.

Recommended: CIS 101, and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) or comparable programming knowledge or consent of instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 1884 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Active Server Pages  

Course introduces Active Server Pages (ASP+). Content includes hands-on activities and lectures to increase familiarity with developing advanced Web applications using Active Server Pages (ASP+); advanced Internet architecture, using advanced Web development tools; the Active Server Page model, processing forms, integrating Web applications with data; and other server based applications, configuring Web applications, and using Web services to integrate Web applications.

Recommended: CIS 171 with a minimum grade of C OR consent of the Instructor or Program Coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2013 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Information Systems for Business  

Course explores the types of information used in business, the flow of information through an organization, and a framework for examining characteristics of Accounting Information Systems in relation to other information system components. Content includes transaction processing systems, internal management reporting, and the day-to-day operational support. Course also covers Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Recommended: CIS 101 or CIS 103 and four credits of CIS courses  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $25

Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 2033 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Managing Information Systems  

Course focuses on how to analyze and manage the fundamentals of a computer information system, with emphasis on design, implementation, control, evaluation, and strategic use. Content includes hands-on experience with business software and Enterprise Resource Systems, emphasizing the managerial and strategic aspects of information technology. Course provides an overview of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and/or development/purchase of an information system. Student completes an in-depth business needs analysis, including software and hardware recommendations, plus procedures, prototypes, and a Request for Proposal.

Recommended: CIS 201 and four additional CIS course credits.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $25

Term Typically Offered: Spring  
CIS 2043 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Introduction to System Analysis and Design  

Course introduces the systems development life cycle of a computer system. Content includes the investigation, analysis, design, implementation and evaluation phases of a business system, tools (e.g. CASE) and techniques used by the systems analyst.

Recommended: CIS 101 or CIS 103 and one programming language course or concurrent enrollment in one programming language course.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 2053 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 0)
Documentation and Technical Writing  

Course explores various types of written communications used in the computer environment. Content includes steps, techniques and tools necessary to produce a variety of documents while using the basic skills necessary for clear, succinct writing. Focus is on development of computer documentation such as user manuals, technical reports, standards manuals and feasibility studies.

Recommended: Knowledge of any programming language and EGL 101; student should have a basic understanding of the tools and functions in using a computer in a business environment.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 2063 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Software Cybersecurity  

An introductory course of computer security principles and practices with applications to databases and software systems. An emphasis is placed on securing database authentication and authorization processes; and, securing systems through responsible software development and scripting techniques. Credit toward graduation cannot be received for both CIS 206 and CSC 206.

Prerequisite: CSC 155, CSC 156, CSC 157 or CSC 170 with a minimum grade of C or consent of department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 2084 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Visual Basic for Applications  

Course introduces programming using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to automate or customize operations in Word, Excel, and Access. The Visual Basic editor will be used to code, compile, execute, and debug programs. Content includes programming logic and writing VBA code that uses variables, looping, decision-making, functions, procedures, and SQL.

Recommended: CIS 103 or CAB 135 and CAB 140, ability to manage files using Windows, and MAT 070 or one year of high school algebra  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2094 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Database Programming for PCs  

Course offers instruction in designing and developing a business application using a representative microcomputer database management package. Content includes macros, VBA programming, database security, and complex queries, forms, and reports to complete a database case study that demonstrate analysis, design, and development of a business application.

Recommended: CAB 140 or comparable knowledge of database software.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

CIS 2104 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Visual Basic .NET Programming for Files and Databases  

Course concentrates on writing programs that use files and databases to enter, store, and display data. Content includes various data controls, grids, and data bound controls used with the access technologies provided by Visual Basic; principles of database usage, use of Structured Query Language (SQL) to provide access to data, Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, ODBC, and Active X Data Objects.

Recommended: CIS 180 and CAB 140, or consent of instructor, department coordinator or chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2114 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Java Programming  

Course continues to develop the knowledge needed to write object-oriented, interactive, business-related applications and applets using the Java programming language. Topics include inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling, graphical user interfaces and event-handling, input/output streams, collections, and generic programming. Students will code, compile, execute and debug Java programs. Fundamental of Java programming will be reviewed.

Recommended: CIS 101, and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) or comparable programming knowledge or consent of instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2123 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 2)
No Code Machine Learning  

Course introduces machine learning models to classify information, perform data analysis and create data predictions. The machine learning models are created using a machine learning platform with an interactive user interface and no code. Students will learn modeling methodology to understand and prepare data, create machine learning models, evaluate results, and deploy models. Topics in ethics for machine learning will be discussed.

Prerequisite: MAT 070 or appropriate score on the Mathematics Placement Test.  
Recommended: CIS 106 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2134 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Advanced Topics in Visual Basic .NET Programming  

Course concentrates on writing complex programs using Visual Basic .NET concepts and commands. Content includes object-oriented concepts and design, configuring Visual Basic, user interfaces, .NET Framework controls, add-ins and utilities, dynamic control and object creation, creating a multiple document interface application (MDI), using the Windows API, Registry and INI files, Web Services, adding an Online Help system to applications, and deployment of applications.

Recommended: CIS 180 or comparable programming knowledge or consent of instructor, department coordinator or chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

CIS 2144 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Web Site Maintenance and Management  

Course presents technical and people management skills needed to set up and maintain a Web site. Content includes hands-on activities and lectures to increase familiarity with technical and Web development skills required to setup and maintain both Internet and Intranet Web sites. Involves team work in Web site development, to create, plan, implement, test and evaluate Web sites.

Prerequisite: CIS 171 with minimum grade of C  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2154 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Assembly Language For The Microcomputer  

Course introduces Intel microprocessor assembly language instruction set. Content includes assembly, link and executing code to write business-oriented programs and subroutines to include such concepts as screen manipulating, table searching, disk processing, calling assembly language subroutines, communicating with programs written in higher-level languages, debugging techniques and machine language execution.

Recommended: Knowledge of any programming language.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Summer  
CIS 2183 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 2)
Linux Essentials  

Course provides theoretical and hands-on instruction using the LINUX operating system fundamentals and open-source concepts, as well as the essentials of the Linux command line. Credit toward graduation cannot be received in both CIS 218 and CNS 218.

Recommended: CIS 118 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2193 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Advanced Prompt Engineering  

Course is a continuation of CIS 119. Students will learn advanced prompt engineering strategies, patterns, styles and best practices to create precise, context-aware and effective prompts. Students will learn advanced prompt engineering concepts and gain hands-on experience using innovative applications to create prompts for complex models with a focus on optimizing prompt performance, fine-tuning language models, and applying advanced techniques to real-world problems. Practical applications and iterative design will be emphasized throughout the course.

Prerequisite: CIS 119 with a minimum grade of C or consent of instructor.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 2204 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Introduction to C Programming  

Course introduces procedural-oriental programming using the C programming language to solve business-related problems. Content includes writing, compiling, executing, and debugging programs, essential elements of the language, syntax, operators, data types, program controls, pointers, arrays, structures, and unions, input/output, and disk processing.

Recommended: CIS 101, and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) or comparable programming knowledge or consent of instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person

Fee: $20

CIS 2224 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Java Programming Using Files and Databases  

Course provides students, who already have an understanding of Java programming basics, with knowledge of file and database programming using Java. Students will write Java programs that update random access files and write Java programs that connect to a database (e.g. Microsoft Access). Database concepts and the Structured Query Language (SQL) to provide access to data will be covered.

Recommended: CIS 211 or programming experience or consent of Instructor or Program Coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person

Fee: $45

CIS 2254 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Natural Language Processing  

Course offers a comprehensive introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and text processing, equipping students with the essential knowledge and skills to build effective language recognition applications. Students will learn and apply core NLP techniques and principles in real-world contexts. Content includes data preprocessing, text analysis and the development of NLP-based applications. Emphasis is placed on hands-on experience using Python libraries and tools to process, analyze and visualize data from various sources.

Prerequisite: CSC 157 and CIS 212 with minimum grades of C or consent of instructor.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 2274 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
C# Programming  

Course introduces programming using the C# programming language to solve business-related problems. Content includes program development and design, visual and object-oriented programming, screen design, structured programming techniques, and event-driven programming using objects. Programming assignment concepts include arithmetic calculations, decision making, looping, reports to screen and paper, subroutines and functions, interactive processing, working with arrays, and introductory concepts of file creation and access to data.

Recommended: CIS 101, and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) or comparable programming knowledge or consent of the instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2283 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 2)
Linux I  

Course is designed to teach students about the Linux operating system through both theoretical and practical instruction. Students will explore the system architecture, installation procedure, command line interface, and file system of Linux. They will learn the fundamental structures and components of Linux, such as the kernel, system libraries, and essential utilities. Credit toward graduation cannot be received for both CIS 228 and CNS 228.

Prerequisite: CIS 218 or CNS 218 or consent of department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2294 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Machine Learning Using Python  

Course offers a comprehensive overview of machine learning fundamentals. It covers key concepts and techniques, including supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning. Core topics include data processing, linear regression, k-means clustering, support vector machines, decision trees, random forests, naive Bayes classification, and an introduction to neural networks. Students will apply their knowledge and skills to solving real-world problems while gaining hands-on experience with various Python tools for machine learning.

Prerequisite: CSC 157 and CIS 212 with minimum grades of C or consent of instructor.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2314 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Advanced Java Programming  

Course examines topics in various Java technologies. Content includes inner classes, multithreading, reflection, collection classes, Swing, TCP/IP networking, Java database connectivity (JDBC), remote method invocation (RMI), CORBA (interactive data language), servlets, and Java server pages (JSP). Students will be able to develop distributed object applications and write Web pages using advanced server side programming through servlets and Java server pages.

Recommended: CIS 211 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

CIS 2324 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Web Scripting  

Course combines hands-on activities and lectures to increase familiarity with developing web applications with JavaScript, PHP, XML, or another contemporary web language. Content includes enhancing web pages using interactive features, manipulating built-in objects and validating and processing forms. Course may be taken for credit up to four times on different topics.

Recommended: CIS 101 and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) and CIS 171 or comparable programming knowledge or consent of the instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $20

CIS 2363 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Project Management  

Course introduces principles of Project Management as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Content includes experiential exercises and team participation to gain experience with computer-based project management procedures, and to increase basic familiarity with state-of-the-art project management software. Credit toward graduation cannot be received for both CIS 236 and MGT 236.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2383 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 2)
Linux II  

Course teaches students the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to administer small to medium networks in today's computing environments. Throughout this course, students will delve into the shell features, command-line interfaces, shell scripting, protocols, configurations, system logging, networking, security, and troubleshooting. Credit toward graduation cannot be received for both CIS 238 and CNS 238.

Prerequisite: CIS 228 or CNS 228 or consent of department chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2403 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Data Visualization Using Tableau  

Course introduces data visualization to effectively communicate information using visual elements, such as charts, graphs and maps. Organizations generate, collect, and store vast amounts of data. Students will use Tableau, a visual analytics platform, to access data, perform simple data cleaning techniques and present it in a variety of graphical formats to help their audiences get insights from data, find hidden trends and make business decisions.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 2413 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Database Management  

Course introduces management of database systems including design, development, implementation, recovery, and security of databases. Content includes database models, entity-relationship (E-R) modeling, normalization, data warehousing; an introduction to SQL; the database life cycle, transaction management, distributed databases, client/server systems; using databases in e-commerce and on the Internet, and the role of the database administrator.

Recommended: One programming course and CAB 140 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 2454 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Database Fundamentals II  

Course continues to develop the knowledge needed to perform the tasks of a database administrator. Topics include methods to backup, restore, and recover the database given various different scenarios, transporting data between databases and the utilities used, networking concepts and configuration parameters, solving common network problems, and configuring network parameters to allow the database clients to communicate with the database server. This course leads to the Oracle Database Administrator Certified Professional certification.

Recommended: CIS 145 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $40

Term Typically Offered: Spring  
CIS 2474 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Performance Tuning  

Course focuses on maximizing the performance of the database from the design to using the database in a production environment. Course focuses observing, defining, and diagnosing the problem, and implementing a solution using various methods, techniques, and diagnostic tools. Students will learn how to observe, monitor, identify, troubleshoot, tweak, and resolve common performance-related problems. This course leads to the Oracle Database Administrator Certified Professional certification.

Recommended: CIS 245 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $10

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2484 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Web Database Management  

Course introduces Web database technologies. Content includes hands-on activities and lectures to increase familiarity with methods used to create dynamic Web applications that interact with a data source, such as a relational database. Elective for majors of World Wide Web program.

Recommended: CIS 171 and CAB 140, with minimum grade of C.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2504 credit hours (lecture: 4 | lab: 1)
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Vision  

Course offers a comprehensive exploration of how computers interpret and analyze visual information. Students will start by examining the fundamentals of image recognition and representation, focusing on how images are transformed into matrices for computational processing. Additional topics include various computer vision models and their applications, emphasizing the development of sustainable solutions through practical implementation. Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience solving common computer vision problems using a variety of computer vision algorithms. Additionally, students will evaluate and utilize pre-trained models from open source machine learning platforms gaining insights into advanced tools for enhancing their computer vision projects.

Prerequisite: CSC 157 anc CIS 212 with minimum grades of C or consent of instructor.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2513 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 10)
Computer Information Systems Internship  

Course consists of direct work experience in a computer information systems related environment at an approved business or industrial firm applying knowledge and skills learned to their daily assigned responsibilities. The student will meet with a Computer Information Systems instructor who will evaluate their on-the-job technical skills. Arrangements for the work experience will be worked out in conjunction with the Computer Information Systems coordinator. In addition, the student will discuss work-related situations with the instructor.

Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 15 credits in CIS, CAB, or CNS with a grade of C or better in each course and consent of instructor, department coordinator, or program chair.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall  
CIS 2532 credit hours (lecture: 2 | lab: 0)
Project Management Certification Preparation  

Course offers an intensive review of project management concepts and the application of these concepts to various business scenarios in preparation for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam. Credit toward graduation cannot be received for both CIS 253 and MGT 253.

Recommended: CIS 236 or MGT 236 or comparable knowledge or consent of instructor.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2574 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Apps Programming for Apple Mobile Devices  

Course covers the fundamentals needed to develop iOS applications for the iPad and iPhone mobile platforms. Introduced is Swift (the programming language), Xcode (the development environment), and Cocoa Touch (the framework for building software programs). Content includes program design and development, designing user interfaces including swipe gestures and rotation, visual and object-oriented programming, and event-driven programming using user interface objects and controls. Learn to sell apps in Apple’s App store.

Recommended: CIS 101, and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) or comparable programming knowledge or consent of the instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2584 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Apps Programming for Android Mobile Devices  

Course covers the fundamentals needed to develop Android applications for mobile devices. The Java for Android programming language and Eclipse (the development environment) will be used. Topics include designing and developing user interfaces, layouts, development tools, recognize gestures and touches, display text and images, store data, and graphics.

Recommended: CIS 101, and CSC 155 (C++) or CSC 156 (Java) or CSC 157 (Python) or comparable programming knowledge or consent of the instructor or program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2674 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Advanced Apps Programming Using Apple Mobile Devices  

Course covers the advanced concepts needed to build rich iOS applications for the iPad and iPhone mobile platforms. Students will code, compile, execute, and debug mobile applications using the Swift programming language to develop programs using advanced programming concepts such as Storyboarding, Master-Detail viewability, Push Notification, etc. SQLite databases will be introduced including database design techniques for mobile devices. Deploying apps to the Apple Store will be included.

Recommended: CIS 257 or comparable programming knowledge or consent of the instructor or the program coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2684 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 2)
Advanced Apps Programming for Android Mobile Devices  

Course covers the advanced concepts needed to build rich Android applications for the Android mobile platform. Student will code, compile, execute, and debug mobile applications using the Java for Android programming language and Eclipse to develop programs using advanced programming concepts. Topics include SQLite databases, locations and maps, background processing, User-Interface components and advanced controls, and web content.

Recommended: CIS 258 or comparable programming knowledge or consent of Instructor or Program Coordinator.  
Instruction Type: In-Person

Fee: $20

Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring  
CIS 2703 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
Automated Testing and Deployment  

Course provides students with an advanced understanding of software deployment and testing using industry-standard tools and practices. Students will gain hands-on experience with applications such as Jenkins and Kubernetes for deployment and JUnit and Jest for software testing.

Prerequisite: CIS 171.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 2713 credit hours (lecture: 3 | lab: 1)
AI for Business Solutions  

Course explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern business environment, focusing on practical applications and strategic benefits. Students will learn how to use AI tools and techniques to drive innovation, enhance decision-making and optimize operations. They will practice applying AI to various business functions, such as marketing, finance, operations and customer service, preparing them for careers as AI practitioners, consultants or business analysts.

Recommended: CIS 106 or comparable knowledge.  
Instruction Type: In-Person | Online | Hybrid
Term Typically Offered: Fall | Spring | Summer  
CIS 2901-4 credit hours (lecture: 1-4 | lab: 1-4)
Topics In Computer Information Systems  

Course covers a variety of different topics current with technological advances in Computer Information Systems. Topics will be identified for each section of the course and students may repeat the course three times with different topics. Fee Varies. Prerequisite may vary by topic.

Instruction Type: In-Person | Online