Program Coordinator: Wendy Adele-Marie, 847.635.1458,

The following pre-major is recommended for students who are considering completing a Bachelor’s degree in Jewish Studies after transferring to a four year institution. It is designed for students who have not decided upon a specific four-year college or university. Once a transfer school is selected, students are strongly encouraged to consult the Office of Advising, Transitions, and Student Success and the transfer institution’s catalog to select courses that will meet both Oakton and transfer institution requirements.

The Jewish Studies Pre-major includes 18 hours of dedicated coursework in the Jewish Studies curriculum, along with the completion of all General Education requirements. Jewish Studies and General Education courses may overlap. In addition to the 18 hours of Jewish Studies coursework, it is suggested that students complete a final project that might include a lecture presentation to the college community, or a service learning project.  Students who successfully complete the pre-major will be prepared to successfully transfer to a wide variety of four-year institutions offering majors and/or minors in Jewish Studies.

When registering for courses, students are advised to select JS (Jewish Studies) designated course sections. For more information on course selection or program-specific advising, contact the Program Coordinator. General Education courses should be selected from the list of IAI General Education Courses.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Semester OneHours
EGL 101 Composition I 3
ART 109 Art History: Jewish Art from Antiquity to Modern Israel 1, 2 3
HIS 225
History of the Islamic Middle East from the 7th Century to 1918
or History of the Islamic Middle East in Modern Times
Select one of th following: 3
Introduction to Jewish Studies (see Note 2) 1
History of the Holocaust (see Note 2) 1, 3
Select one of the following: 3
Western Culture and the Arts: Renaissance through the 20th Century
African-American Culture and the Arts 4
Women and Creativity 4
Asian Humanities 3
Women, Art and Culture 4
Music Literature and History 2
Semester Two
EGL 102 Composition II 3
SPE 103 Effective Speech 3
MAT 125
General Education Mathematics
or Elementary Statistics
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Jewish Studies (see Note 2) 1
History of the Holocaust (see Note 2) 1, 3
Select one of the following: 3-4
Beginning Hebrew I 1, 2
Beginning Hebrew II 1, 2
Conversational Hebrew 1, 2
Intermediate Hebrew I 1, 2
Intermediate Hebrew II 2
Second Year
Semester One
Select one of the following: 3
LGBTQ+ Literature 4
Women and Literature 4
Women and Creativity 4
Women, Art and Culture 4
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 5
United States History from 1877
Western Civilization since 1650
Human Sexuality 4
Select one of the following: 3
Art History: Art of the Non-Western World 3
Western Culture and the Arts: Renaissance through the 20th Century
World Mythologies 3
Asian Humanities 3
World Religions 3
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
Select one of the following Life Science courses: 3-4
Note: At lease one science course with lab is required for degree completion
Introduction to Life Science (lab)
Human Genetics
Human Genetics (lab)
Introduction to Environmental Science 3
Plants and Society 3
or other Life Science course
Select one of the following: 3-4
Beginning Hebrew II 1, 2
Conversational Hebrew 1, 2
Intermediate Hebrew I 1, 2
Intermediate Hebrew II 2
Semester Two
HIS 235 Women In American History 1, 2 3
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Fiction 1, 2
Women In Western Civilization 1, 2
Select one of the following Physical Science courses: 3-4
Note: At lease one science course with lab is required for degree completion
Descriptive Astronomy
Introduction to Earth Science (lab)
Physical Geology (lab)
Physical Geography
or other Physical Science course
Select one of the following: 3
International Relations 3
Social Problems 5
Sociology of Sex and Gender 4
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 4
Introduction to Ethnic Studies 4
Introduction to Global Studies 3
or other Sociology, Social Science or Political Science course
Select one Social or Behavioral Sciences course not taken previously 3
 Total Hours61-65

Course is not IAI approved, but does transfer to most 4-year institutions. Consult your transfer institution for more information.


Jewish Studies (JS) section is recommended. Sections designated as Jewish Studies count toward the Jewish Studies Concentration.


Course fulfills the Global Studies requirement. At least one Global Studies course is required for degree completion.


Course fulfills the U.S. Diversity Studies requirement. At least one U.S. Diversity Studies course is required for degree completion.


Course fulfills both, the Global Studies and U.S. Diversity Studies requirements.

Note 1: Pre-major is a recommended sequence and selection of courses. See Associate in Arts (A.A.) page for degree requirements. Part time students should also consult the Office of Advising, Transition, and Student Success for part-time pre-major recommendations.
Note 2: Jewish Studies Concentration requirement.