Student involvement at Oakton provides unique opportunities to become engaged with the campus community through student-led clubs and organizations. Studies indicate that students who participate actively in campus life devote considerable energy to their academic programs, spend more time on campus and interact frequently with other students. (Astin, 1996, Kuh, Douglas, Lund, Ramin-Gyurmek, 1994)

Office of Student Life and Campus Inclusion (OSLCI)

The Office of Student Life and Campus Inclusion is the center of student engagement. It offers programs and services that provide critical learning opportunities to enhance the co-curricular experience and cultivate students' personal and professional growth. For more information, contact the Office of Student Life and Campus Inclusion at 847.635.1699 (Des Plaines) or 847.635.1443 (Skokie) or visit us in room 1530 (Des Plaines) or room A130 (Skokie). Read more at

Center for Campus Inclusion and Diversity (CCID)

The Center for Campus Inclusion and Diversity (CCID) exists to provide support, educational experiences and interactive learning opportunities. The CCID represents the needs and concerns of historically under-served student identities and helps them access opportunities through programs, services and resources related to equity, diversity and inclusion. The CCID is located in room 1433 (Des Plaines) and A164 (Skokie).

For more information, call the Office of Access, Equity and Diversity at 847.635.1837 or visit

Student Organizations

The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as a liaison to the college administration and voices student issues and concerns. The SGA recognizes and supports student clubs, distributes student fees annually and provides leadership on behalf of the student body. Participation on committees is open to all students. The organization is governed by elected voting members, with elections taking place each spring. Vacancies are filled by appointment. SGA's Student Judicial Board (SJB) hears appeals on traffic and parking tickets.

Students interested in joining the SGA should contact the organization's office at 847.635.1699 (Des Plaines) or 847.635.1443 (Skokie), or email

The student-run Campus Activities Board (CAB) coordinates programs and services to enhance each student's Oakton experience through activities that cultivate social, personal, educational and professional growth while making a positive impact within the college community. Students are welcome to become active members, and members may apply for a position on CAB's executive council. Students interested in joining CAB should contact the organization's office at 847.635.1699 (Des Plaines) or 847.635.1443 (Skokie) or email

Student staff participate in all aspects of producing the OCCurrence, Oakton's student newspaper, including writing, editing, photography, cartooning, layout (using Adobe InDesign), advertising sales and business management. For more information, email

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Active on more than 1,250 campuses around the world, it offers its members exclusive programs and benefits that contribute to a dynamic college experience. Oakton PTK members are campus leaders who can take advantage of resources that provide academic enrichment, personal development and service opportunities. Eligible students who meet the membership requirements will be contacted by email. Students can stop by the Student Life and Campus Inclusion office at room 1530 (Des Plaines) or room A130 (Skokie), call 847.635.1699 (Des Plaines) or 847.635.1443 (Skokie) or email

Campus Clubs

Student life at Oakton includes a variety of academic, social, professional, cultural, religious and special-interest groups. Students are encouraged to start clubs within established guidelines. Limited funding is available to support club activities.

Clubs include: Anime, Asian American Unity, Biology, Black Student Union, Card and Board Game, Ceramics, Computer Science, Creative Writing, D.U.R.A. Outreach, Dance Team Nocturnals, DECA Business, Diversability, Early Childhood Education, Environmental, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Great Books, Habitat for Humanity, Honor Student Organization, HOSA, International Students, Japanese Culture, Korean, Latine, Liberation Artists, Mission Bible, Muslim Student Association, Oakton Aspiring Educators, Oakton Helping Others, Oakton IEEE, Oakton Math Team, Oakton Octaves, Oakton Student Veterans, Philosophy, Physical Therapist Assistant, Pilipino in Alliance Yearning for Opportunities (PAYO), Politics, PRIDE, Society of Women Engineers, South Asian, Star Wars, Stitch Happens, Students for Global Health and Sustainability. 

Active clubs are subject to change. For the most updated list of clubs, visit SLCI's student engagement platform, Involve, at


Intercollegiate Athletics

As a member of the NJCAA and the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference, Oakton College participates in 13 intercollegiate sports: men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s cross country, women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s baseball and women’s softball. Student athletes are recruited to teams by our head coaches. To express interest, visit the athletic website ( To participate, a student must meet all NJCAA eligibility requirements. This program is under the direct administration of the director of athletics.

Intramural Athletics

Intramural activity is an integral part of student life at Oakton College. A program of competitive and recreational sports is scheduled so students can participate. All students are invited to take part in intramural activities each semester. Interested participants should contact the Athletics Office (, room 1336 (Des Plaines), 847.635.1753.

Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony for the awarding of degrees and certificates is held once a year at the end of the spring semester. Eligible students will be contacted with information related to eligibility, fees and regalia usually by the end of January. Students are not required to participate in the graduation ceremony to receive a degree or certificate. Students wishing to participate must order caps and gowns through the Office of Student Life and Campus Inclusion ( Call 847.635.1699 or email for information.