Transfer of Credits to Oakton College
Students who have earned college-level credit at other universities, through standardized tests or through other methods should work with the Enrollment Center to make sure that the credit is transferred to Oakton so it can be counted toward a credential or degree. Incoming degree or certificate students in the fall or spring semesters will have their transfer credit automatically evaluated by the Registrar Services office. For details about the types of credit and the processes involved refer to the Prior Learning Assessment pages of this catalog or visit Credit for Prior Learning at
Students may transfer credits to Oakton in several ways:
Credits Earned at U. S. Colleges and Universities
A student who has attended another college or university may transfer credit to Oakton. An official transcript must be sent by the other college(s) directly to the Enrollment Center. Students must complete the Request for Evaluation of Credits form to have their transcripts evaluated and to determine which courses will transfer. Visit Transfer Credits to Oakton at to access this form.
The following conditions apply:
The college previously attended must be an accredited and/or approved institution awarding college credit.
Credit may be transferred for credit-bearing courses successfully completed with a grade of D or above; however, if Oakton requires a grade of C in a course, then credit will be awarded only if the transfer grade is C or above.
Only credit hours are transferable. Grades associated with the credit are not transferable, nor are they included in computing the grade point average at Oakton.
Religion courses of a sectarian nature or courses that are not applicable to curricula at Oakton may not receive transfer credit.
Credits Earned at Foreign Colleges or Universities
Students who wish to have credits transferred from foreign colleges or universities must request a Catalog Match Evaluation Report from Educational Perspectives in Chicago. For more information, contact the Office of Advising, Transitions and Student Success at 847.635.1700. Read more about Educational Perspectives at
State Seal of Biliteracy Language Credits
Illinois high school students who submit their final high school transcript with the Seal of Biliteracy and enroll in courses at Oakton within three years of high school graduation are eligible for eight hours of modern language credit. Registrar Services will automatically review transcripts and award credit.
Transfer of Credits from Oakton and Official Transcripts
Academic advisors are available to assist students who plan to transfer to another college or university. Students are urged to discuss their transfer plans early in their college careers to ensure appropriate selection of courses. Current information on course equivalencies and requirements is available for most Illinois colleges and universities through the Office of Advising, Transitions and Student Success. A receiving college or university has the authority to determine whether Oakton courses will transfer to that institution.
Official transcripts of a student’s academic record will be issued after the student completes an online Transcript Request and pays the transcript processing fee listed on the Tuition and Fees page. A transcript will not be released for any person who has a non-financial hold on their record. A transcript requires approximately five working days to process. Request your transcript through Parchment: