Program Co-Coordinator: Tess Lesniak,
Program Co-Coordinator: Marian Staats, 847.376.7103,

Environmental Studies Pre-major is recommended for students who are considering completing a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies, Environmental Humanities, or Environmental Science after transferring to a four-year institution. It also offers a suitable pathway to a range of other undergraduate humanities, social science, or science programs. An undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies provides a strong foundation for graduate programs in environmental policy and science, as well as environmental law or public health. Interdisciplinary training in environmental studies develops students’ analytical thinking, problem solving, ethical reasoning, and advanced reading and writing so essential to strong communication skills. It therefore offers excellent preparation for a range of career options.

The pre-major is designed for students who have not decided upon a specific four-year college or university. Once a transfer school is selected, students are strongly encouraged to consult the Office of Advising, Transitions, and Student Success and the transfer institution’s catalog to select courses that will meet both Oakton and transfer institution requirements.

When registering for courses, students are advised to select ESC (Environmental Studies) designated course sections. For more information on course selection or program-specific advising, contact the Program Co-Coordinators. Part time students should also consult the Office of Advising, Transitions, and Student Success for part-time Pre-major recommendations. General Education courses should be selected from the list of IAI General Education Courses.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Semester OneHours
EGL 101 Composition I 3
MAT 131 Elementary Statistics 4
BIO 106 Introduction to Environmental Science (see Note 1) 1 4
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Philosophy
World Mythologies 1
Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
or other ESC-designated Humanities/Fine Arts course
Semester Two
EGL 102 Composition II 3
SPE 103 Effective Speech 3
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 2
Introduction to Archaeology
Introduction to Physical Anthropology
or other ESC-designated Social and Behavioral Sciences course
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Weather and Climate
Physical Geography
A Survey of Oceanography
or other ESC-designated Physical Science course
Select one of the following: 3
Contemporary Culture and the Arts
Women and Creativity 3
or other ESC-designated Fine Arts course
Second Year
Semester One
PHL 204 Environmental Ethics (see Note 1) 1 3
SSC 201 Introduction to Global Studies (see Note 2) 1 3
Select one of the following: 3
Human Genetics
Plants and Society 1
Microbe and Society
A Survey of Oceanography
or other ESC-designated Science course
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Sociology 3
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Political Science
International Relations 1
Select one of the following: 3
LGBTQ+ Literature 3
Women and Literature 3
Introduction to Native American Literature 2
or other ESC-designated Humanities course that also satisfies U.S. Diversity Studies requirement
Semester Two
Select one of the following Science courses without lab: 3
Human Genetics
Plants and Society 1
Microbe and Society
Environmental Geology
or other ESC-designated Science course without lab
Select one of the following Science courses with lab: 4
Introduction to Life Science
Human Genetics
Ecological Restoration (see Note 2) 4
Introductory Chemistry
or other ESC-designated Science course with lab
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Fiction
Introduction to Poetry
Introduction to Literature
or other ESC-designated Humanities/Fine Arts course
Select two of the following: 6
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 2
Principles of Microeconomics
World Regional Geography 1
Cultural Geography 1
Social Problems 2
The Individual in Modern Society
or other ESC-designated Social and Behavioral Sciences course
 Total Hours60

Course fulfills the Global Studies requirement. At least one Global Studies course is required for degree completion.


Course fulfills both, the Global Studies and U.S. Diversity Studies requirements.


Course fulfills the U.S. Diversity Studies requirement. At least one U.S. Diversity Studies course is required for degree completion.


Course is not IAI approved, but does transfer to most 4-year institutions. Consult your transfer institution for more information.

Note 1: Environmental Studies Concentration requirement.
Note 2: Environmental Studies Concentration elective.
Note 3: Pre-major is a recommended sequence and selection of courses. See Associate in Arts (A.A.) page for degree requirements.