General education courses at Oakton College enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in key areas essential for academic, career, and personal success.
I. Critical Thinking
- Defend a position with evidence or a rationale
- Determine an appropriate solution to a problem
- Analyze a problem and/or solutions to a problem
- Analyze concepts and ideas
II. Communication
A. Written Communication
- Select appropriate content in written work for a given audience/situation
- Integrate appropriate sources into one’s own written work for a given audience/situation
- Develop appropriate content and form in written work for a given audience/situation
- Organize written content appropriately for a given audience/situation
B. Oral Communication
- Select appropriate content for an oral presentation for a given audience/situation
- Organize oral content appropriately for a given audience/situation
- Integrate appropriate sources into an oral presentation for a given audience/situation
- Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal skills during an oral presentation
III. Literacy
A. Information Literacy
- Access appropriate information sources for a topic
- Critique information sources for a topic
- Select appropriate information resources for a topic
B. Quantitative Literacy
- Compute quantitative information
- Interpret quantitative information
IV. Responsibility
- Demonstrate personal responsibility and ethical conduct in one’s academic, civic, and global life
- Analyze perspectives as they relate to cultural diversity
V. Collaboration
- Collaborate with people of diverse backgrounds and abilities
- Develop a solution to a problem through group work
- Defend a position with evidence and rationale through group work

Employers responding to the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Job Outlook surveys consistently indicate that the NACE employability skills are critical skills for successful employment. The picture above demonstrates how the general education learning outcomes Oakton students develop in their courses and programs align with the skills employers are seeking.